Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Boston at 19 months

Boston is growing up.  He is a wild one.  He is constantly going.  I have said before he is either sleeping, or running, there is no in between.  He is also the happiest child I know.  He may be wild and exhaust me some days, but he is smiling all day long.  Boston loves to pull faces at himself in the mirror, or in the camera.  He always gives me these funny looks out of the corner of his eye.  Boston can tell you where is nose, eyes, lips, head, belly and toes are.  Ask him where is nose is and he sniffs, and ask where his lips are and he will start licking.  He knows the sound a cow, cat, dog, horse, and indian says.  If Boston sees something he wants to eat he starts licking his lips.  When I sneeze he tells me "bless you".  He asks me daily for Ryan's cat Maddy.  And gets very disappointed saying "no ma-ey".   His newest words to his vocabulary are Ry, Papa, Tayson, Ma-ey, bless you, cookie, cracker, bite, bubbles, water, na-night, show, and bye-bye guys.  At 19+ months, he is a complete joy to have around.

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